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  3. Information for pupils transferring to Deyes High School

Information for pupils transferring to Deyes High School

17 June 2020 (by stjohnb)

Information for pupils transferring to Deyes High School

Dear parents, 
I have had an email from Mrs. Richards from Deyes High regarding transition arrangements. She has requested that I share these with you as follows:
In terms of the transition process, we have put together an enhanced remote offer (in light of social distancing restrictions) which I would like to detail below.

1.       We have updated our school website considerably so that it contains useful information (menu, joining Deyes, transition from primary school)

The website includes a new welcome video that we would really like the upcoming Deyes students to see. It can be found under the ‘Exploring@Deyes’ area or here:

2.       We have already posted home a pack to parents containing lots of information about Deyes and asking them to return some student information booklets to us


3.       We have had a member of our senior team call every Year 6 parent and welcome them to the school


4.       For any SEND students, they have received contact from our SENCO and face to face 1:1 meetings are being arranged (many happening this Wednesday, 17th June)

5.       We are putting together the next pack to be posted home in the next week or so which will contain a parent handbook and also a workbook for students to complete over the summer holidays and bring with them on their first day

6.       We are finalising our virtual transition day for students and evening for parents. Details of this will be included in the upcoming pack above. It will be accessed via our school website in a password protected area. Here we have tried to re-create our usual offer so that the class of 2020 don’t miss out. Pupils will have an assembly, lessons and a project session. Parents will receive a talk from the Head of Year 7 and useful information regarding preparations for September.

In terms of us coming to visit the students at your school, this is a lovely idea and one which we would be happy to contribute to. Might I suggest that we wait until the start of July to do this. Hopefully by then the students and parents will have accessed all of our transition materials and then we can follow up with any more questions they might have. In the meantime, if there are any pressing questions coming your way which you would like to email over to me then we can create a response to these for you to share with them.

We are looking forward to seeing you and your pupils soon.

I am currently in communication with Mrs. Richards to confirm a date for the visit; as soon as this is confirmed I will let you know.

If you have any other queries, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mrs. Bretherton