St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Monday Up date

Monday Up date

6 July 2020 (by stjohnb)

Monday Up date

Dear Parents and Carers


I do hope that you enjoyed your weekend with some of you taking advantage of the recent increased freedoms that we are now beginning to enjoy.  School continues to be a safer place as we can possibly make it and I thank you for your co-operation in this matter.  I am currently modifying our plans to be able to welcome back all children as safely as possible on Thursday 3rd September.  It is my intention to be able to give you this information on Friday via the school app. 


As previously mentioned your child's report for this somewhat disrupted school year will be available from Thursday.  If you child currently attends school as a Reception, Year 1, Key Worker or Year 6 child they will be given their report to take home at the end of the day.  The remaining reports will be available from the school office where Mrs Greenwood will be able to help you.  I respectfully request that you use the front path and use the hand sanitizer which is attached to the wall in the foyer. 


Just a reminder that the final day of teaching for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be Thursday 16th July.  The final day for Key Worker Children will be Friday 17th July. 


As a school community we have all done our bit to help suppress and reduce the impact of this virus, so that our children can begin to enjoy all that we have previously taken for granted.  I would like to thank you for supporting the school and your kind words of encouragement and appreciation.  I feel confident that if this continues school will remain a safe place for our children to learn and play.  I shall continue to keep you informed via the school app and as you know I am available in school each day and the school dedicated phone line and email contacts remain the same. 


Yours sincerely


Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher