St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  3. Latest News/Staff Training Day 23rd October 2020

Latest News/Staff Training Day 23rd October 2020

21 September 2020 (by stjohnb)

Latest News/Staff Training Day 23rd October 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Schools are now generally seeing a number of children displaying cold and cough related illnesses.  We are all aware that is it extremely difficult to decide which symptoms relate to which infection but as a rule of thumb if a child has a cold or runny nose or anything that could be described as wet this is not Covid.  You know your children better than anyone and if they are unwell with seasonal bugs and illnesses common sense is nearly always the best policy.  We ask should your child be ill that you keep them off school as you would for any seasonal infection.  Should they develop a new and persistent cough with an equally persistence high temperature 38 degrees they may be displaying Covid symptoms and then a test would then be needed.  Most children will respond to usual medicines and rest, however, if you in any doubt please contact us and we will try our best to help you. 

Face coverings are now mandatory in all parts of society and on school grounds.  You have responded as I would have expected and I thank you for that.  Our main aim is to keep the school open and you will be helping us achieve this, if anyone at home displays Covid Symptoms you respond by keeping all members of the family and especially your children away from school until a test result has been obtained.  If this is negative your child may return to school.  I hope that by doing this we will not be forced to send any groups of children home but this cannot unfortunately be guaranteed. 

School will be closed on Friday 23rd October for Staff training.  Please make a note of this in your diaries. 

After school clubs begin this week and the children will leave school after their club in the same way at the end of the day.  Infant children will be picked up from their playground and the junior children will be brought to the side gate where you can meet your children.  Parents are not allowed on the junior playground. 

At the moment measures that have been put in place seem to be working well but as you know it doesn't take much to undo this good work so I ask you, on behalf of the governors, to continue to adhere to the social distancing and other measures that are in place to keep our school environment as safe as we can.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or personal issues that you feel school may be able to help you with.

Yours sincerely


Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher