St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

25 September 2020 (by stjohnb)

Friday Update

Dear Parents and Carers


This weekly update is extremely short.  What a fantastic start for both the Merseyside Teams in all competitions.  The children have now completed their third full week and although much of our lives are quite different we are working hard to return as much of your children's school experience to normal as we can.  We have been fortunate with our staff which has meant that we have been able to support your children in all of their lessons and activities.  The drop off and pick up arrangements are working extremely well and I would like to thank you for setting such a positive attitude to your children.  I am pleased that I have managed to have the zigzag safety markings reinstated this week which I hope will improve things further.  Can I thank those parents who have found it necessary to keep their children off school and for informing the office so we can maintain accurate records.  It is only through this responsible behaviour that we will be able to keep our classes open.  Please remember if any of your family are unwell and particularly your children, they must stay away from school.  Parents know their children well and are more than capable of identifying a normal, snivels and colds from a high temperature and persistent cough that we associate with Covid 19.  We have further plans to improve our provision for your children and I shall keep you informed of their developments.  Your children have been a credit to you and they make the school alive with their infectious enthusiasm and their happy smiling faces.  Can I thank you for your continued support and wish you a safe and enjoyable weekend.


Yours sincerely


Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher