St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  3. Parentmail Pay

Parentmail Pay

2 October 2020 (by stjohnb)

Parentmail Pay

Dear Parents and Carers

I have had a few enquiries regarding Parentmail Pay and would like to clarify the following

If you are using parentmail you do not need to set up a parentmail pay account as it should be registered against your current account. 

If you pay for school meals or breakfast club these are able to be paid on parentmail as soon as your child is registered for either dinners or breakfast club. 

If you need to pay for a school trip or books etc for school.  This is done on an individual invoice basis and you will not see availability for payment until I have had permission to do so and then I will add your child's name to the bulk invoicing for that item.   You can either send me an email saying you wish to pay for everything via parentmail pay or tick the parentmail box on school trip letters etc.

I hope this helps and problems please contact me.

Kind regards
