St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

9 October 2020 (by stjohnb)

Friday Update

Dear Parents and Carers


I am sure you will join me in wishing our Year 5 children a very happy and memorable First Holy Communion which will take place tomorrow morning.  Fr Grant has visited the children in class which has been warmly received.  They are all extremely excited and I hope they have a lovely day.


Can I remind you that school will be closed to all children on Friday 23rd October, this is the Friday before half term. 


Unfortunately as lock down restrictions have increased we are unable to provide face to face parent meetings.  To date we have been most fortunate with regards to keeping our children in school and any measures that will support this will be taken.  The teachers will be arranging meetings with you individually via zoom from Monday 9th November.  Further details will follow once we have made final arrangements. 


After school clubs continue to be well attended and the poly tunnel is allowing us to provide for our Year 1 & 2 children if the weather is bad. 


Many local schools are sadly having to send children home due to positive results.  Fortunately that has not been the case for us and I continue to thank parents who keep their children away from school if they feel they are ill and for contacting the office to keep us informed.  Our whole school attendance has been consistently around 98% and this clearly means that our children are in school receiving a high quality education. 


It has been good to welcome you and your children each morning and once again your sensible approach at this difficult time is setting an excellent example to all our children.


May I wish you all an enjoyable weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.


Yours sincerely


Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher