St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

16 October 2020 (by stjohnb)

Friday Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Another week behind us and four days remain next week.  It seems unbelievable that we have manage to dodge a class closure.  Once again your sensible decision making with regards to knowing when your children are ill and informing the office is helping to keep our school open for the rest of the children, I mentioned this at our full governors meeting yesterday and they would like to pass on their sincere thanks to you. It remains to be seen that we can continue to be as fortunate but we shall maintain our current standards and hope that lady luck is on our side. 

Congratulations to our Year 5 children on making their First Holy Communion last Saturday.  We were fortunate with the weather and the two masses were simply wonderful.  I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of their special day and all the governors and school community  would like to pass on their Congratulations.  The live streaming was enjoyed by many and as far a field as Spain.  Thank you to the teachers who gave up their time and to Fr Grant and the Catechists for helping to make this such a special occasion.

Thank you to those of you who managed to participate in our joint Walk to School Week with Green Park.  Traffic was noticeably calmer and if you were able to continue this it would be much appreciated.

Arrangements for Parents Evening are in place and they will take place from 9th - 26th November via Zoom.  Your class teacher will send you details of your allocated time after half term. 

As the situation with regards to the pandemic continues to worsen, many families are finding it harder to make ends meet.  Can I ask that if you are able to donate any tinned, dried or non perishable foods, including tea, coffee and sugar that you bring them over the next few weeks starting on Monday.  Classes will have a box to collect donations and I shall store them in the family room were they shall be taken to our local food banks.  Anything that you are able to donate will be gratefully received.

Next Thursday the children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks, as colourful as you like, to promote the awareness of Anti Bullying Week and promote differences in a positive and fun way.  If you are able to discuss this with your children it would be much appreciated.  A starting point might be that although the two socks appear different visually they are in fact the same. 

I would like to wish you all and enjoyable weekend wherever you may go, and look forward to your children returning on Monday. 

May I remind you that school will be closed Friday 23rd October.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher