St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

27 November 2020 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

This has been a most enjoyable week with lots of hard work taking place in every classroom.  I have little to add other to say it is great news that our efforts have resulted in the Liverpool Region being placed in Tier 2 which is as good as I could have hoped for.  Our collective efforts have certainly made a positive contribution.

Please remember if your child is ill the best place for them is at home.

Parent's Evenings will be completed this week and the feedback has been particularly positive with many of you voicing your appreciation of the effort that your children's teachers have made.  Attendance for this week continues to remain high with 96% of children at school. 

Our school filming has been completed and I hope to be able to allow you to access these information videos in the near future.  They are designed not only to inform new families when they are choosing a school for their children but also for the rest of us as I am sure you will find them enjoyable.  They will be available to share with any family members who you may be unable to meet with over the Christmas period as well as friends and relatives who live in other parts of the world.  I am sure they will bring a ray of joy and raise a smile during this difficult period.

Can I once again remind everyone who drives to school to park in an appropriate manner and allow pedestrians and parents with buggies to use the pavements safely.

If your child is on packed lunch and would like a Christmas Dinner you must return your information to the school office by Monday morning, similarly if your child is on hot dinners and does not want a Christmas Lunch please inform the office on Monday.  All junior children who have requested a Christmas Lunch and are not normally on School Lunches an account will be available on parentmail payments from Friday 4th December in the amount of £2.25

I hope you all have a happy and peaceful weekend and look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher