St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Update from Mr MacAreavy and Mr Mainwaring

Update from Mr MacAreavy and Mr Mainwaring

5 January 2021 (by stjohnb)

r Parents and Carers,

We hope you find the following brief notice for the remainder of this week helpful in clarifying the arrangements for your children.
If you have indicated that you are eligible to send your children to school tomorrow, we ask that you use the front of the school where all children will be welcomed through the family room and organised in the school hall. School uniform will be worn for the remainder of the week and any specific PE days will be communicated to you. It is our intention to mirror the arrangements that proved so successful in April and May during the previous lockdown, and we shall send further details this week when we have prepared them. 
The school day will start at 8.45am and children will be picked up at 3.15pm again at the front of the school. We ask that you continue to set a good example, by adhering to facial coverings and social distancing. 
Children who will be staying at home will receive remote learning in a similar format to their earlier experience. This will continue for the rest of this week from tomorrow, however we are using the remainder of the week to review and enhance our remote learning policy and how we deliver our learning. Again, this will be communicated to you in due course.
The teachers have been setting work and preparing home learning packs for all children, which will be used alongside any online learning allocated. We are asking for families to collect these packs from the school office from tomorrow (Wednesday) and by Friday so that they should have everything they will need to support their learning from Monday 11th January 2021. 
Kind regards,
Mr MacAreavy and Mr Mainwaring