St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

29 January 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

This week’s update will be shorter. I promise. We now have two weeks until half term and everyone is pleased that schools have been told that they will not be expected to stay open as we did last Easter and the June half term. We are all tired and I include you all as managing home schooling, working and keeping things going are becoming increasingly challenging. You will no doubt be delighted that no one is expected to home school during half term although many of our children enjoy activities such as reading, drawing and other creative activities that stimulate their minds and keep them healthily active.

We now know that our current arrangements shall remain until at least 8th March and I ask that you simply continue to do the best that you can and communicate with your children’s teachers as you have done until now. Although numbers have significantly increased they are stable and manageable, just about.

I mentioned last week that staff will take a lateral flow test twice a week on a Sunday morning and Thursday evening. This has been done to reduce the impact on our children should anyone test positive. If a member of staff reported on Sunday, then Mrs Greenwood and I would be able to inform children in that class that they would be remote learning and we would give you details of return dates based upon advice from Public Health England. At the moment we are all negative and good practice in school and at home will help us to maintain this status. I do hope that this continues to be the case however you may be informed at short notice. Current arrangements continue to be working as well as can be expected and may I politely remind you to spread out when collecting children and please leave pets at home and leave the school grounds as quickly as you can.

The school governing board met via zoom last night and among a range of agenda items we looked at and discussed our current provision to ensure that our school building was as covid secure as is possible. They also asked me to pass on their sincere thanks and appreciation for all that you are doing for your children. They appreciate that you are not teachers and you are not expected to perform like one. However they endorsed my view that everything you are able to do can only help until we are able to return and your children can then benefit from the wonderful provision that our teachers and support staff provide.

I think everyone is looking forward to a break and then the final push as we can hopefully welcome the children back to school. It is encouraging that the covid rates in Sefton continue to fall and we must do everything that we can to contribute to this bit of good news. If your child or any member of your family is unwell you must stay away from school and inform the office.

I wish you all a peaceful weekend and as ever I am here to help wherever possible

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy
