St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Mental Health Week/Parent Governor Elections

Mental Health Week/Parent Governor Elections

2 February 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

As this is National Mental Health Awareness Week the teachers would like to inform you that there will be no planned curriculum activities on Wednesday afternoon as we are asking the children to have some time away from computer screens.  Your children can do any activities that they enjoy which may include drawing, junk modelling, lego building and any other activities that they enjoy without feeling it is driven by a curriculum outcome.  Should the weather be pleasant a nature walk or just a walk might be an enjoyable activity if you are able to do this.  The teachers will have their normal Wednesday morning which will begin with their timetabled Zoom registration and an opportunity for the children to share some of the activities they may enjoy and may be planning for Wednesday afternoon.  We have all been very pleased with the effort that your children have put in and feel that they will be in a good position to continue their learning within their classroom settings when we are able to return.  Can I personally thank each and everyone of you for all that you do for your children. 

Parent Governor Elections have been held and the votes have been counted and witnessed by myself and Mr Mainwaring.  I can announce that Mr Paul Mulrooney has received the greatest number of votes and now becomes a member of the school governing board for a period of four years.  May I congratulate Mr Mulrooney and also thank the other candidates for putting themselves forward. 

Please send in any pictures of activities that your children take part in on Wednesday afternoon to your class Twitter page. 

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher