St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

12 March 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Our first full week with all the children in school comes to an end and although we are all quite tired we have all had a most enjoyable week of hard work and fantastic play times. 

Can I thank everyone associated with the school for making this week so successful for the children and I can honestly say that I have not seen a single child who has given me any cause for concern and I look forward to the next two weeks which will see the children continue to flourish in all aspects of school life.

The teachers have rightly been assessing the children and celebrating what they can do whilst looking for opportunities to support areas of learning where required.  I am pleased that we continue to provide a rich and exciting curriculum for the children and we have been able to ensure that all children have enjoyed their afternoon of sport and PE as well as swimming and after school clubs for Years 1 – 6.

We were both surprised and delighted to receive a most generous school survival pack from our local Morrison’s Supermarket in recognition of the effort that our school has undertaken throughout the pandemic.

Your messages of support are much appreciated and I hope that you enjoy a positive zoom meeting next week with your children’s teacher.  There is much to celebrate and be thankful for and I am sure that you will want to know any elements of learning that you can support your child with throughout this academic year. 

Parking, Parking, Parking!  Can I ask that you are careful when driving around the school and that parking a short distance away can only help.  I have no solution other than to appeal to you all to be patient and punctual.  Both schools are concerned with the increasing number of drivers who stop on yellow zig zags and double yellow lines as well as performing three point turns at various points in front of the schools.  I have been informed that the Police have been instructed to make spot checks at drop off and pick up times throughout Sefton schools and I understand that it is their intention to issue fines. 

The children are all enjoying and benefiting from our new IT upgrades and I am delighted that they are enjoying their new classroom 4k panel which I have had installed to replace their old interactive boards.  Further improvements are planned but these will depend upon how much the government is able to unlock our communities.  As of today Covid cases in Sefton per 100,000 stands at 66 and continues to fall.  I ask that we all continue to follow our safety guidance in the hope that this encouraging trend will continue. 

I am always available to help you and your children and you know where I am and how to contact me.  I wish you a peaceful weekend and hope that the weather improves as the evenings lengthen.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher