St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  3. Back to school update

Back to school update

11 April 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you have enjoyed the Easter Holiday and that you have been able to enjoy the pleasant weather that has come our way in recent days. It certainly raises our spirits as we prepare for our children’s summer term.

Can I ask you to refer to my update which you received when we broke up for the Easter Break, if you need to be reminded of any arrangements that may affect your child/children. I shall continue to communicate in the same way, but would like to remind you that the main difference from tomorrow will be that we have the use of the St James’ Car Park to help to try and reduce congestion during drop off and pick up times. The arrangements will remain the same and junior children will now be able to use the main front path but also the entrance gate into the junior playground. Junior teachers will be at both entrances to welcome your children and they shall go into their classes in exactly the same manner. All infant children and their brothers and sisters will continue to use the gate at the Round Meade where I shall welcome them to school.

Although there is much to celebrate with regards to the vaccination programme and falling rates of Covid, the virus is still very much in our communities and we must continue the use of face coverings and exercise social distancing. This is particularly crucial at the end of the school day and although after school clubs will take place and we are looking to provide competitive games for our children, your children must not play on the school field and stay on the premises, even if the weather is as it is today. I am sad that I still have to insist that this remains in place, but it is vital if we are to make sure that our teachers and support staff remain negative when they take their twice weekly lateral flow tests and as a result are able to continue teaching their classes within the school environment.

I must ask you to continue to keep your children and indeed yourselves away from school if there are any symptoms and that includes colds and coughs. If we do this the chances of a class being sent home for a week will be greatly reduced and this is something that everyone wants. Parents can now pick up lateral flow tests from their local chemists and testing sites.

Can I respectfully ask families not to contact teachers directly after 4.00pm and I remind you that I am always available if you feel that I can be of any help.

As the vaccination programme continues and the warmer weather has arrived I am hopeful that there is a real chance that our children can begin to enjoy a normal school life with all the fun and wonderful opportunities that comes with it.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy