St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 14.05.21

Friday Update 14.05.21

14 May 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

An extremely busy week with both girls and boys enjoying football matches against other schools.  Our Year 1 children had a fantastic morning at Gorse Hill Nature Reserve.  A big thank you to         Mrs Bromilow, Mrs Clark and all the helpers who made this a memorable occasion.  We have had exciting activities galore, the Reception baking in the family room and Year 5 making a range of burgers as part of their food technology.  Our afterschool clubs have been well attended and much fun has been had by many of your children.  On Wednesday, a film crew used groups of our children to highlight the wide range of sports and activities that our children are offered.  They commented on the amazing facilities that our children enjoy on a daily basis and enjoyed themselves so much that their 30 minute visit extended to an hour and half.

Having said that I remind you that next week we only have after school clubs for Year 1 and 2 as Sam and I will be at Kingswood with our Year 6 children.  We have shared the information received including the activities planned for each day and the children are clearly excited at the prospect of being able to get out and enjoy something completely different. 

Mrs Stockwell would like to thank you all for your generosity following last week’s NSPCC Number Day, we raised a staggering £665.50. 

Both Mrs Burns and I are pleased with the parking arrangements in the morning and we would both like to thank you and St James’ Church for the continued use of their car park.  There continues to be issues at the end of the day with parking on double yellow lines and particularly around corners close to school. 

Today was the first opportunity for you to book on our exciting May half term multi sport and dance camp.  Places are limited and this is something that you would like your child to take part in I urge you to contact the Buzzy Bee Sports Team at or

Although the weather has been quite extreme at times the children have been lucky to enjoy most playtimes, lunchtimes and PE sessions outside and I hope that the weather gradually continues to improve.  I must insist that children do not bring sunglasses to school unless they are prescription.

Please return any school photos by Monday morning for collection or go online to order from Tempest.  Revised school lunch menus need to be returned by Wednesday morning.  Thank you to all the families that have returned their donation for the School Levy Fund, we have now received the invoice for payment if you could send your payment to school via Iris Parentmail, listed under other payments in the name of your child or oldest child.  The donation is £10.00 per family.

I wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable weekend and remind you that school will be closed the Friday before our half term which is 28th May.  Our staff shall be in school working together on further developing our curriculum planning. 

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher