St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 10.09.21

Friday Update 10.09.21

10 September 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Our first week together comes to an end.  The wonderful tapestry of school life has seen scorching hot sunshine and then torrential downpours.  The children, however, have continued to be happy and regularly tell me how much they love school and are glad to be back.  All children have settled in well and are already engaged in their class learning routines.  Can I thank you for the way that you prepare your children for school.  They all look extremely smart and I think this sets a tone for our expectations in all areas of school life.  A gentle reminder that the Governing Board does not permit jewellery including earrings and please ensure your child’s name is in their items of clothing but particularly jumpers, cardigans and track suits. 

Our Reception Class are all now in school full time and the Reception Team are delighted with the way they have settled in so quickly.  They even visited our school den making area yesterday, where they enjoyed singing activities. 

We continually look for ways to improve any school arrangements that we feel may be helpful and as a result we have decided that all after school clubs will be picked up at the front of the school.  I hope that this meets with your approval and that it will keep picking up arrangements simple, particularly for Grandparents.  Please encourage your children to take part in these activities which continue to be free.  I know that many schools now charge for this extra-curricular service.

School Assemblies are now beginning to unfold and today will see our class workers of the week being presented with their certificates for a range of reasons. 

You should have received the annual home school agreement and data information sheet.  Please return these to school with your child as soon as possible as they are important documents which help us to maintain good communication should the need arise.  The flu immunisation link is independent of school and if you have any connections issues you are asked to contact the number for Sefton Schools Immunisation Team on 01512476130. 

I hope you managed to read the latest guidance leaflet from NHS England which I attached last week for information.  School continues to maintain our hygiene precautions which have now simply become good practice.  You know your children and if you feel they are sick keeping them off school is the right thing to do.  Should any symptoms develop that you feel would benefit from a PCR or lateral flow test that is the sensible thing to do.  Several of you have done this and communicated this to the school office and this seems to be both sensible and also works well to ensure that children remain in school as instructed by HM Government.  You will only be informed if a child tests positive from a PCR test so that you can be extra vigilant with regards to monitoring your child’s general health.  Individual details will never be disclosed and as I have already indicated this system is working well.  Any absences should be reported to the school office either by phone or email before 9.30am.

Can I finally thank you for your many kind words and generosity in celebrating my birthday this week.  We had a lovely day on Wednesday and for a change the children all sang Happy Birthday to me instead of me singing Happy Birthday to them.  My investigation into this leaked information is still on going and when I find out the guilty parties I will be sure to let you know.  I hope you enjoy the weekend and look forward to welcoming you all safe and well to school on Monday morning.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher