St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update

Friday Update

15 October 2021 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

Congratulations on reaching our target of £1000 for the MacMillan Cancer Charity.  We should all be extremely proud of our collective efforts and I know that the children enjoyed this most worthwhile event.  There will be no more cakes for the foreseeable future. 

Congratulations to our Year 3 children who took part in the Inter Schools Multi Sports last Friday.  I took 10 children in the mini bus and we had a fantastic afternoon.  They were superbly behaved and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoons activities.  The cherry on the top was coming home with the winning medals. 

Well done to our upper junior boys who put on a brave performance last night after school against a very strong Melling Team.  The boys worked hard for each other but were ultimately beaten.  Well done Melling.

Our Year 4, 5 & 6 boys and girls are invited on Monday 18th October to take part in the Primary Inter Schools Cross Country Races.  All children are invited and they need to be at Maricourt Lower School Field for 3.45pm wearing their PE kit and Trainers.  The first race will be at 4.00pm and the whole event should be completed by 4.30pm.  Mr Parry and I will meet the children there.  Year 5 & 6 boys football will not take place on Monday as they will be asked to take part in the Cross Country as part of their training.  All runners will receive a medal of participation.

Next week I look forward to taking the girls football team to Melling where I am sure they will try their best for each other.

You should have received your Parents Evening arrangements from your teachers and I hope that you find the meetings informative and positive.  Any problems contact your teacher via google classroom

Final reminder to Year 5 children taking their First Holy Communion tomorrow that an opportunity to have a professional photo taken has been organized back at school after your child’s service.  The school car park will be open for you to use.  You will have the opportunity for a family picture as well as an individual photograph of your child.

Finally, the never-ending issue of children’s names in cardigans, jumpers and tracksuits may have a solution.  If you look at the back of the St John Bosco Badges on each garment, there is a large area that you can clearly write your child’s name and year group.  I have done this with my own track suit and it is very clear.  I hope you agree and find this an easy solution.  Can I also request that if you need to inform school that someone other than the listed will be picking up your child, could you inform school before 12.00pm so that teachers are informed for the afternoon session.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher