St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 6
  3. Y6 Production 'Porridge' is now live!

Y6 Production 'Porridge' is now live!

15 July 2022 (by stjohnb)

Mrs. Stockwell has finished producing the video of our Leavers' Play and has shared it via a secure YouTube link. The link can be accessed by logging into your child's Google Classroom account.
I hope you enjoyed it!

On Monday, I have made arrangements for the children to have a water fight on the school field; luckily the weather is predicted to be very hot so I'm sure the children will welcome this! They are advised to bring a (dark coloured!) Tshirt and shorts, a towel and a change of underwear. Please ensure you child is wearing suncream and a hat, and has a water bottle with them. There is no need to bring water guns as I have arranged these for them.

Thank you for all your kind words and support over the past few days - they mean a lot!

Mrs. Bretherton and Mrs. Rigby