St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 20.01.23

Friday Update 20.01.23

20 January 2023 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

I do hope that you have received the most up to date information that I am able to give you regarding the proposed industrial action and that as things stand our school will not be affected on Wednesday 1st February 2023.  Please read the accompanying letter from Sefton Primary Headteachers and be aware that the situation has the potential to change.  I will of course inform you as soon as I have information should there be further developments. 

A very cold, frosty and rather slippy week, although today the sun has largely melted the roads and school grounds.  I continue to ask Sefton Council that they grit at least one access route to primary schools as the road in front of the school was particularly treacherous.  To date their response has been that they must prioritise major highways.  I leave that response to your own thoughts.  Anyway, the sky is blue, the sun is shining and the wind is still and our children are enjoying a lovely final day from another busy week.

On Monday our junior children prepared the first Parish school-based Mass which was quite well attended.  Our junior children prepared all the readings, Psalms and the hymns and presented a beautiful Mass.  Fr Grant and I could not remember the last time that we had been able to do this and he was delighted that they had remembered so many of the Mass responses and of course their singing and standard of reading was simply breathtaking.  The Mass lasted nearly an hour and Fr Grant freely commented on the level of engagement from the children and how all of them were so well behaved throughout the Mass. 

As if that wasn’t enough, our year 6 children presented our first Whole School Collective Worship of the year at the end of the school day.  Their theme was Resolutions and New Beginnings and it really helped everyone to focus on the opportunities that a brand-new year ahead presents. 

Our year 3 and 6 children continue to enjoy their yoga sessions which are provided free of charge by Active Sefton and I must say that some of their yoga moves are certainly becoming quite advanced. 

Following another positive governing board meeting yesterday after school, which focused on the school curriculum.  They were delighted with the teacher’s subject reports which helped them to see how well the school is achieving and also the areas that we have prioritized to further enhance throughout the coming school year.  The school governors considered our attendance policy including holidays in term time in light of recent department for education instruction.  Clearly any school days missed by children impact upon their development and particularly holidays taken in term time which not only disadvantages children academically but also socially.  They have asked me to remind you that the following arrangements will be applied on their behalf. 

  • Up to 2 days (4 sessions) - may be authorised subject to circumstances and each request will be considered on an individual basis.
  • 5 days (10 sessions) cannot be authorised and will result in an unauthorised mark on your child’s school attendance record.
  • Anything over 5 days (10 sessions) will be unauthorised and the absences will be forwarded to the Education Welfare Department for consideration of a fine being applied. 

School attendance nationally is becoming an increasing concern for the Department of Education and we receive regular instruction to ensure that our children are benefiting from maximum attendance. 

Our school attendance is regularly above the national figure which indicates that as parents you value your child’s education and support maximum attendance and the governing board would like to thank you in advance for taking your parental responsibilities in this area seriously.  Having said that, can I remind you that if a child has been physically sick they must stay away from school for 48 hours to ensure any infection is not transferred to other children. 

Once again can I ask you to ensure that all your children’s items of clothing are clearly marked and particularly jumpers and cardigans.  I have already begun a collection and I am finding it difficult to return the garments to their rightful owners.  A number of children, particularly girls, have been wearing necklaces and bangles/bracelets. Clearly this is not school uniform and can you make sure that they keep these at homes for after school and weekends.

I do hope that the pleasant weather that we are enjoying today extends into the weekend and I wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Monday.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher