St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Friday Update 27.01.23

Friday Update 27.01.23

27 January 2023 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents and Carers

A wonderful week weather wise, which has meant that all of our children have been able to take full advantage of the opportunities to play and learn in our outdoor environment. 

Our Monday whole school collective worship, which was presented by our Year 5 children, was a most appropriate development from Year 6’s presentation, which focused on Resolutions and Fresh Starts.  Their theme was making choices and they demonstrated to all of our children how easy it can be to make the wrong choices, but by making the right choices, we can help everyone in our school community feel happy and valued.  Indeed, this sits very comfortably with our underlying theme for the rest of the school year, which is helpfulness and kindness.  Two values that have sadly been eroded in recent years. 

We said goodbye to our student teachers in Year 3 and Year 6 and we would like to wish them every success in the future.  They informed us how much they had valued their time in our school and how fantastic the children had been.

Year 3 have been reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ as part of their topic and we had a fantastic afternoon yesterday, making our own Stonehenge and understanding how these primitive people managed to move these enormous stones.  The pictures are available on ‘Twitter’ and I encourage you to have a look as they will certainly generate much discussion.

Children from our Year 5 and 6 classes will be representing the school in the Sports Hall Athletics Tournament, which takes place at Chesterfield High School. 

Our Friday assembly will have a special visitor from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and our children will be taking part in a sponsored spell over the coming weeks to help support this unique and valued service.  I am well aware that the children and school are currently in the process of supporting both Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and the NSPCC.  Both are voluntary and a couple of pounds for each would simply add up to something more substantial that will help support someone suffering from Cancer or a child that needs to be supported by members of the NSPCC.

We hope that our school field will soon be able to be cut and marked out and I have already arranged football matches for our boys and girls in Year 5 and 6 when we return after half term. 

The nights continue to become lighter and the children are already noticing that our daffodils are pushing through the soil and the buds on the trees are now visible.  Summer is just around the corner!

Before I close and wish you a peaceful weekend, I am in a position to inform you that next week, school will continue as normal, including Wednesday.  If something should change, I apologise for the short notice, but remain hopeful that this will not be the case.

Yours sincerely

Mr D MacAreavy - Headteacher