St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Summer Concert 2023

Summer Concert 2023

12 June 2023 (by stjohnb)

Dear parents/carers, 

We are excited to inform you that we will be holding another summer concert this year. It will be similar to last year’s concert and will take place on the junior playground at 3.30pm on Monday 3rd July (weather permitting). The weather forecast is looking good for this date so we hope to see you all there. Failing this, we have a provisional date of Thursday 6th July.

If your child is in the school choir, takes violin or piano lessons they will be involved. This is an opportunity for the children to showcase everything they have leant. They have been practising hard and are so eager to perform for you! 

The Year 4&5 classrooms will be open for children to leave their belongings in whilst taking part in the concert. They will not need to come out and hand over any belongings. The concert will finish around 4.30/4.45pm and we ask that the parents wait for their children to be dismissed by the teachers after they have collected their belongings.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Thomas