St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 5
  3. Year 5 Swimming Next Half Term

Year 5 Swimming Next Half Term

16 October 2023 (by stjohnb)

Dear Parents,


Year 5’s PE day will be a Wednesday after October Half term. Their swimming lessons will begin on Wednesday 1st November 2023. They will take place each Wednesday afternoon at the Meadows Leisure Centre until the end of that half term. Children will need the following kit:


Girls: swimsuit, towel and swimming hat and goggles.

Boys: closely fitted regulation swimming trunks (not Bermuda shorts style), towel, swimming hat and goggles.


The swimming instructors will not allow children to swim without the appropriate equipment. Children are not allowed to get into the swimming pool wearing earrings this includes any clear, plastic earrings. Please ensure that their kit is available in school each Wednesday.


Thank you for your continued support,


Mrs Thomas
