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  1. News
  2. Year 5
  3. Year 5 - Wishing you a Happy Easter

Year 5 - Wishing you a Happy Easter

9 April 2020 (by stjohnb)

Dear Year 5,

We are now approaching the end of our third week of 'Home Learning' and having to adapt to this strange way of living. It seems like things may continue this way for a little while longer but I am delighted to see how many of you have embraced this new way of working and have ensured that you have prioritised your education. I know it is difficult, and the world seems a little scarier at the moment, but if you look after yourself and keep listening to your parents or those who look after you, hopefully soon all of this will seem like a bad dream we can try to forget about, and we can be together again as a school family.

I suppose it is poignant that we now enter the most important time of the church’s calendar - Easter. This is a period of new flowers, warmer weather, new life and hope. It is my hope that you and your families have a happy and restful Easter and find the opportunity to spend some real quality time together. I am convinced that good things can come out of bad situations and I firmly believe that the situation we now find ourselves in, should enable us to see what really is important in our lives: family, health and laughter together.

Please find the time to rest during this period and spend time doing the things you enjoy, particularly during this lovely spell of weather we are having. Keep in contact with your family members and friends and most importantly have fun. Now is the time to make some amazing memories which will last a lifetime and I can’t wait to hear about all of the crazy activities you have been getting up to!

I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes, from one of my favourite authors J.K Rowling.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.”

Try to see if you can be that ‘light’ who brings happiness to all those around you.

Wishing you a safe, happy and peaceful Easter.

Mr Mainwaring